Company Profile


Merlin Biomedical is a professional In-Vitro-Diagnostics (IVD) manufacturer founded in 2017. We supply range of molecular, POCT, automation HPLC system and reagents, including Infectious disease PCR tests, Rapid tests, Pharmacogenomics (PGx), Therapeutic Drug Monitor (TDM), Vitamins tests, parasite and fungus tests. 

Merlin Biomedical currently has 8,000m2 GMP plant and office with high standard manufacturing and research facilities based in Xiamen ( a beautiful city by the sea), China. With about 80 employees (about 35 in R&D), our young and energitic people develop and manufacture both analyzers and reagents all by ourselves.

Our team are experienced IVD professional, Our commitment to remodel the diagnostics procedure with "Accuracy at speed". We aim to provide precision medicine solution to local and foreign countries. Collaborate with Xiamen University and Fujian Medical University, keep bringing us the source of innovation. Merlin has extended products and service to international business since 2020, covers regions including US, UK, Europe, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East.

Merlin Biomedical became China National High-tech Enterprise in 2021, Fujian COVID prevention guarantee enterprise, gazelle enterprise, Fujian small giant of science and technology, amond Xiamen Top 100 Potential New Founded Companies, more than 36 international and domestic invention patents.

Corporate Culture

Our vision

Make it easy to do IVD test anywhere

Our mission

Remodel diagnostics procedure with Accuracy at Speed

Our values

Full of spirit, adhering to innovation, rigor, and pragmatism





GMP production workshops and R&D laboratories have been built and put into use one after another


Establishing a research and development platform and obtaining one invention patent in the same year


Launched the novel coronavirus emergency prevention and control project in Xiamen, and won three municipal honors: "Xiamen's Specialization, Excellence, and Innovation", "Xiamen's Leading Talent Entrepreneurship Enterprise in the" Double Hundred Plan "," Xiamen's Advanced New Technology Enterprise ", and" Fujian's New Research and Development Organization "


Start one municipal level project and two provincial level projects. In the same year, it was awarded two provincial-level honors: "Gazelle Enterprise" in Fujian Province and "Science and Technology Little Giant in Fujian Province"; Awarded the honor of "National High tech Enterprise"


Initiated a provincial-level project, obtained two patents in the same year, and successfully established some provincial channels, laying a solid foundation for subsequent business expansion.