Good news! MerlinBiomedical awarded 2021 "National High-tech Enterprise"


Recently, the Office of the Leading Group of the National high-tech Enterprise Certification Management announced the list of high-tech enterprises recognized in Fujian Province in 2021, and MerlinBiomedical was recognized as a "national high-tech enterprise". After being awarded the "specialized and special new" small and medium-sized enterprise in Xiamen City in August 2022, it added the "high enterprise" award.


High-tech enterprises refer to enterprises that always focus on technology research and development, accelerate the transformation and application of results, and carry out business activities in high-tech and high-tech fields supported by the State. The identification of high-tech enterprises needs to investigate the intellectual property rights of enterprises, high-tech products or services, the number of scientific and technological personnel, innovation ability and other conditions, and the evaluation process is strict.

This time, Meibon successfully passed the national high-tech enterprise identification, won the "high-tech enterprise" golden sign, is the full affirmation of our core independent intellectual property rights, scientific and technological achievements transformation ability, scientific and technological innovation strength. Merrill Smith Barney will take the recognition of high-tech enterprises as an opportunity to further enhance the company's comprehensive competitiveness and provide new momentum for the company's high-quality development.